KiwiSaver Government Contributions
Making the most of your government contributions and growing your KiwiSaver.
To help you save, the Government will make an annual contribution into your KiwiSaver account - as long as you're between the ages of 18 and 65.
The math is simple: for every dollar you put into KiwiSaver, the government contributes 50 cents, up to a maximum of $521.43.
To receive the maximum Government Contribution, you must have invested at least $1,042.86 (that’s just over $20 a week) into your KiwiSaver account between 1 July and 30 June. If you haven't been in KiwiSaver for 12 months, you'll receive a partial contribution on a pro-rata basis.
If you contribute less than $1,042.86 you will still get 50c for every $1 you contribute, for example, if you contribute $500 you would receive $250 from the government.
If you contribute less than $1,042.86 from your employee/pay contributions (note that your employer contributions don’t count) you can make a voluntary contribution to top up your account so that you do qualify for the full Government contribution. It's important this goes through before 30 June each year.
For more information, please visit the IRD website