Adding your login portal to your phone app
Instructions on adding the Pathfinder Portal to the home screen on your phone.

Even though the Pathfinder Portal isn’t on the App Store or Google Play, you can still make it look and act like an App. Here are the instructions on what to do.
For iPhone
1. Open Safari:
Please note that other browsers like Chrome won't work for this.
2. Navigate to the Web App:
Enter the URL and then hit "Log in"
Note, you may need to log out to ensure you are on the right screen
Open the Share Menu:
Tap the Share button at the bottom of the Log in screen. This icon looks like a square with an upward arrow.
Select "Add to Home Screen":
Scroll down in the Share menu until you see the option 'Add to Home Screen'. Tap it.
Customise the name you would like to call it.
You can change the name that will appear on your home screen if you like. We recommend using “Pathfinder Portal”.
Add the Web App:
Tap "Add" in the top right corner of the screen.
Find the Web App on your home screen:
The web app icon will appear on your home screen, and you can now open it like any other app.
For Android
Open Chrome:
Ensure you are using the Chrome browser for this process.
Navigate to the Web App:
Enter the URL and then hit "Log in"
Open the Menu:
Tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the screen to open the menu.
Select "Add to Home Screen":
In the menu, tap "Add to Home screen."
Customise the name you would like to call it:
A prompt will appear allowing you to change the name of the shortcut if you wish. We recommend using “Pathfinder Portal”.
Add the Web App:
Tap "Add" and then either drag the icon to a desired location or tap "Add automatically" to place it on your home screen.
Find the Web App on your home screen:
The web app icon will now be on your home screen, ready to use.
Following these steps will ensure that your favourite web apps are easily accessible from your home screen on both iPhone and Android devices.