Tools for sustainable business practice

29 August, 2024

3 Minute Read

Key tools for measuring impact from a sustainability superstar

John Berry, CEO and Resident Wayfinder of Pathfinder, recently won two prestigious New Zealand sustainability awards for leadership. He knows that creating a sustainable business can feel like a long road, but there are some easy things you can start doing right now that can help get you on the right track, for planet and profit. Recently, John asked his extensive followers on LinkedIN what they thought were the best tools businesses can use to kickstart their sustainability journey and track their impact. Here is what they came up with:-

Tools for measuring and improving your business impact

B Corp – Impact Assessment

Business needs comprehensive, credible, comparable impact standards to support economic systems change. Used by more than 150,000 businesses, the B Impact Assessment is a digital tool that can help measure, manage, and improve positive impact performance for environment, communities, customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders.

Sustainable Business Network – Climate Action Toolbox

A free, easy-to-use online tool that shows you how to measure and reduce your emissions.

Toitu Envirocare – Carbon Assessment

Helps small businesses calculate their greenhouse gas emissions.

Gen Less – For Business

By playing your part in New Zealand’s transition to a low-emissions future, your business can reap financial and non-financial benefits. This company will help you measure your emissions, create a climate action plan and report on your progress. The changes come with opportunity.

Ekos – Carbon Calculator
If you want to offset your emissions - helpful for smaller organisations, products, and lifestyles.

Eco Choice Aotearoa - Sustainable Procurement Toolkit
The key to making meaningful progress towards your sustainability ambitions lies in your supply chain. The insights and advice in this toolkit will give you the confidence to make responsible purchasing decisions and contribute to broader outcomes.

Future-Fit - Business Benchmark

Systems science tells us how our economy must be transformed if we are to meet everyone's needs and live in harmony with nature. Future-Fit have translated that science into principles, goals, indicators and guides to help any business play its part in getting us there.

&BLOOM Sustainability - Stepping stones for Sustainability Integration (ESG readiness scans)

ESG requirements can be overwhelming. &BLOOM's ESG Readiness Quick Scan helps investors and businesses understand their level of readiness. During a one-hour free ESG consultation, we will assess your preparedness for disclosure on material ESG topics, identifying key gaps, opportunities, and suggested next steps.


Connect your accounting data to measure your footprint, plant trees and send your achievements to market easily.

DLA Piper - Environmental Advertising Claims Guide

An overview of the laws governing environmental advertising in 23-major jurisdictions around the world. Avoid greenwashing!

Some of Pathfinder's awards

Fonterra Sustainability Leadership Award - Robert Walters Leadership Awards 2024 - John Berry.

Sustainability Superstar - Sustainable Business Network Awards 2023 - John Berry.

Supreme’ Transforming Aotearoa New Zealand Award 2023 - Sustainable Business Network Awards 2023.

Mindful Money - Best Ethical KiwiSaver Provider 2021,2022, 2023, 2024, Best Ethical Investor 202, The People’s Choice Award for Best Ethical Fund Provider 2024.