We Just Donated $280,000 to Kiwi Charities!

Lily Richards

14 April, 2023

2 Minute Read

Charitable giving, our social enterprise model, is at the heart of the Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan. It's in our DNA.
Giving away 20% of management fees was a non-negotiable for both our founders when we launched. At first, it didn’t look like much, a few hundred dollars here, maybe a thousand there. But as more members joined us, those figures started to grow, really grow…
Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan is nearly 3 years old, and this year we are unbelievably proud to be giving away $280,000 to Kiwi charities!

Every Kiwi that joins Pathfinder means we can support more Kiwi charities. Our mission with this work is to generate long-term, sustainable and passive income streams for our charity partners. A HUGE thank you to each and every Pathfinder KiwiSaver member, who is not only saving for a future they can be proud of, but also helping their selected charity keep doing their wonderful mahi.
The charities are SO grateful for you, they tell us all the time.

Here's the breakdown of how much our charities received in 2022 & you can review how much was donated in 2021 here.

Forest and Bird: $74,349 
Garden to table: $18,760 
Mental Health Foundation: $37,186 
Breast Cancer Cure: $11,907
Men's Health: $13,671
Project Jonah: $9,948 
Heart Kids NZ: $9,244
Vegetarian Society: $15,068 
Plunket Foundation: $5,223 
Leadership NZ: $899 
Melanoma NZ: $5,790 
Tania Dalton: $1,258
Youthline: $17,530 
Chalky Carr Trust: $2,607 
Rainbow Youth: $14,202
Everybody Eats: $8,131
Arthritis NZ: $4,546 
NZAVS - ending animal testing: $2,403
350 Aotearoa: $920 

For members who don’t want to select a charity partner, we offer this option: Allow Pathfinder to choose a worthy charity or charities.

This year there was $25,000 in this category. $25,000! 

Our ethics committee discussed where this money could have the biggest impact and concluded that during times of extreme hardship (with the cost of living skyrocketing, mental health in tatters and stress at epidemic levels) it’s so often our wahine who bear the brunt.
And so, we decided to give all $25,000 to the Women’s Refuge so they can help more of our most vulnerable women and children. 

Again, we are so extremely grateful to our KiwiSaver members who, in choosing us, enable us to help thousands of others. We're not just about generating individual wealth, we're also about collective well-being.  Which calls to mind this whakatauki:

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Which is to say, we’re all in this together.

Big Aroha from the team at Pathfinder.

Lily Richards

by Lily Richards
Creative Director

With over 10 years of marketing experience in a variety of industries (such as publishing, creative arts and technology), Lily brings an outsider's eye to the financial industries. Overseeing PR, advertising, communications and brand, Lily is passionate about helping Kiwis harness the power of ethical investing to grow wealth and well-being.