KiwiSaver Funds

HomeKiwiSaver Funds

Awarded Mindful Money's Best Ethical KiwiSaver four years running

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Find the fund for you:

Our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains information to help you decide whether to invest in our funds. We review and update it regularly. Our latest PDS dated 25 July 2024 (which replaces the PDS dated 1 February 2024) has been lodged with the Registrar and is available to download here or on request from us. Units in the Funds are issued by Pathfinder Asset Management Limited.

Inception date for all KiwiSaver Funds is July 2019.

Compare our funds:

Choose the right fund for your risk tolerance.

KiwiSaver GrowthKiwiSaver BalancedKiwiSaver Conservative
Return focusMedium to HighMediumModest
Risk focusHigherMediumLower
Likely fluctuation in valueMore than the Balanced or Conservative FundsMore than Conservative Fund but less than Growth FundLess than the Balanced or Growth Funds
Minimum suggested time frame8-10 years (long term)5+ years3-5 years
Estimated fund fees1.30% p.a.1.17% p.a.0.94% p.a.
Fund return since inception10.4% p.a.7.7% p.a.4.3% p.a.

We’re active managers, not passive.

This means we choose the assets in our portfolios, investing with the best ethical and economic performance in mind. We’ve been awarded for quality returns by Research IP, and for ethical investing by Mindful Money & our KiwiSaver funds are certified by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia.

  • SBN Transforming Aotearoa NZ Award 2023
  • Best Ethical Investor NZ
  • Best Ethical KiwiSaver Fund
  • People's Choice: Best KiwiSaver Provider
  • SBN Sustainability Superstar John Berry
  • SBN Communicating for Impact Award 2023
  • Best New Ethical Fund Green Bond Fund
Review our performance here

What makes us different?
We invest for the world we want.

With a strong focus on quality returns.

We're all about balance. Pathfinder offers you ethical investments (that aim to respect people, our planet and animals), without compromising on returns.

Leaders in ethical investing for over a decade, we’re working to leave things better than how we found them.
How we invest

Pick Pathfinder and you’ll be investing in...

We focus on investing positively. This includes selecting well-managed, quality companies that meet our ethical standards and, where we can, private companies that have real-world impact.

  • Organo logo
  • Women's Livelihood Bond 5 logo
  • Lodestone Energy logo
  • Sharesies Logo
  • WoolAid logo
Learn more about our investments

We're proud of our strong returns

Performance, Comparison Against Benchmark and Unit Price

To help you evaluate the performance of our funds, we compare them against a 'benchmark' that is independent and repetitive of the assets and markets that our funds invest in.

Fund1 Month6 Month1 Year3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Since Inception*
Unit Price
KiwiSaver GrowthVS-1.0%5.2%15.8%4.2%10.0%-10.4%$1.71
Benchmark: Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Growth Multisector for New Zealand0.8%9.7%17.3%6.2%9.4%-9.8%
KiwiSaver BalancedVS-0.7%5.1%13.4%4.3%7.8%-7.7%$1.50
Benchmark: Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Balanced Multisector for New Zealand0.6%8.0%13.6%4.5%7.1%-7.5%
KiwiSaver ConservativeVS-0.2%3.5%7.1%3.1%4.4%-4.3%$1.26
Benchmark: Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Conservative Multisector for New Zealand0.0%4.2%5.9%1.3%2.7%-2.9%

Past performance is no guarantee of future return. We encourage all investors to seek financial advice prior to making investment decisions. Details of each market index can be found in our SIPO. *31/07/19 (date of inception).

The Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Growth Multisector for New Zealand is used to calculated market index returns for performance period after 1 December 2022. Earlier market index returns are calculated using the composite indices described here.

The Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Balanced Multisector for New Zealand is used to calculated market index returns for performance period after 1 December 2022. Earlier market index returns are calculated using the composite indices described here.

The Morningstar® Target Allocation Index: Conservative Multisector for New Zealand is used to calculated market index returns for performance period after 1 December 2022. Earlier market index returns are calculated using the composite indices described here.

Our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains information to help you decide whether to invest in our funds. We review and update it regularly. Our latest PDS dated 25 July 2024 (which replaces the PDS dated 1 February 2024) has been lodged with the Registrar and is available to download here or on request from us.

Performance and market index comparison as at 31/12/2024 (after fees, 0% PIR)


Emily O'Hara, Auckland

"Pathfinder helps me feel optimistic about what the future can hold.”

I think a lot of us really aren’t aware that our investments could be funding things we would never support.
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We’re into

We've donated over $1 million to Kiwi charities since we launched.

We see charities as doing meaningful mahi to bring about our vision for a better world. After four years of funding our charity partners we’ve decided it’s time to step up the way we do things to have a more direct impact on the pillars our investing stands on.

From 1 April 2024, we have been dedicating 1% of revenue from across our whole business (this covers all our retail managed funds as well as our KiwiSaver funds) to support our vision for a better future happening faster.
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